The international practical conference "Life Science Imaging" was held at Moscow State University with the support of Andor and BioVitrum

18.04.2014 On 25-27 March in the Biology department of MSU the program was presented with lectures by leading European specialists of Andor Technology.

Lecturers on Andor technology included:  

"Fast & Sensitive Cameras for Life Science Imaging", Orla Hanrahan, PhD, Application Specialist for Life Science Imaging, Ireland
"ANDOR's confocal DSD: an innovative hybrid of spinning disk technology and structured illumination", Bruno Combettes, PhD Business Development Manager EMEA
ANDOR's Mosaic: a micro-mirror based device for patterned photo-manipulation, Bruno Combettes, PhD Business Development Manager EMEA
"Spinning Disk confocal microscopy: Revolution XD and WD", Lynsey Burton, PhD, Sales Engineer - Microscopy Systems
"Getting the most out of your images - image analysis with Imaris. Abstract: Create models and extract information about morphology, kinetics and relationships between hundreds of parameters. Use Imaris for hypothesis testing and discovery", Erik Von Stedingk, PhD, EMEA Distribution Network Sales Executive.

Discussions followed which dealt with the principles of Andor imaging systems, their application in various fields of biology, and recently acquired products and their benefits. The last lecture was on Imaris software product with a demonstration of its capabilities.

A distinctive feature of this conference was its practical nature - two days of workshops were held with top executives of Andor showcasing their product line.  

This conference was an excellent platform for becoming theoretically and practically acquainted with advanced imaging techniques, and for the exchange of views among scientists.

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